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Training Diary

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:42 am
by roritanaada
Hello everyone.

I'm new here. Tell me, please, how do you keep a training diary, what do you focus on, what do you write down and so on?

Re: Training Diary

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:21 pm
by Pat McCoy
Deleted bad link

Re: Training Diary

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:31 am
by Marc Orvin
There are a lot of things a person can log in a diary. Here are a few that we have our kids focus on.

Settings - For rifle this is VERY important. Every item on the rifle must be in exactly the same place as the last time you set the rifle up.

Changes - Things like changes in equipment set up. Changes in apertures for rifle or changes in grip or trigger position for pistol. For smallbore, changes in ammunition.

Diet - What did you eat or drink within 4 hours of the training session or competition?

Stress - How much homework are you facing after this competition or training session? Did you wreck dad's car on the way to the event?

Goals- What do you intend to work on during this competition or training session? What did you accomplish in this competition or training session?

Scores - Track your scores.

These are generic things that can be put into a training diary. It is important that the athlete review the diary prior to training or competition and that the athlete log results after the event.

Re: Training Diary

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:48 am
by SPPcoach
Teresa Meyers taught at one of our Olympic Pistol Training Camps around 2014. She was on the Olympic development team. She shared that it took her years to determine what to include in her journal. When she started competing seriously and keeping a journal she wrote everything down. Journal entries were several pages long. After several years she learned to only write down information that would help her at the next event.
That would be my advice,
write down anything that will help you at the next event.
Journals are intended to be forward thinking, performance enhancing tools.
Entries will include details of the event; the host, location, date, facility, participants . . .
The equipment that you used; brand, products, settings . . .
Anything that you learned; technique, settings, range particulars . . .
Did any part of your routine change?
What would you do differently at practice to prepare for the next event to help strengthen your skills.

Re: Training Diary

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:22 am
by Ramon OP