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how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:44 pm
by amarinder
Read today that brain learns best when its outside its comfort zone. I am 375 pistol shooter so an intermediate one. Training has become monotonous now. How can I push my brain?

Make shot in slow motion is one way. Any other methods

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:01 am
by rmca
One of the best ways to get a pistol shooter outside of he's comfort zone is to shorten the time he has to make a shot.
Try 10 good shots in under 5 minutes. Then go 4:30, then 4... You'll be amazed how much pressure that puts on your training.
Don't rush the shots, fire only good ones.

Hope this helps

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:13 am
by amarinder
rmca wrote:One of the best ways to get a pistol shooter outside of he's comfort zone is to shorten the time he has to make a shot.
Try 10 good shots in under 5 minutes. Then go 4:30, then 4... You'll be amazed how much pressure that puts on your training.
Don't rush the shots, fire only good ones.

Hope this helps
nice tip. shooting with a pebble in my shoe, or moving around after every shot are other great tips.

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:22 am
by TenMetrePeter
Whereas aerobic exercise outside of shooting practice will help all shooters lower the resting heart rate, one national team allegedly runs a short circuit between practice shots. rather like boxers training with ankle weights I guess.

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:37 am
by Rover
While training with John Zurek, one of the games we played was to deliberately shoot 8's.

Another was to use a really bad lot of ammo with lots of misfires.

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:37 am
by Gwhite
One thing I tried once was to deliberately mess up my stance. If my natural point of aim is with my body at ~ 45 degrees, I tried shooting at both 90 and zero degrees. It definitely felt weird and required more concentration.

However, one of the things I discovered was that it really didn't affect my scores all that much. I currently shoot at around the 550 level (air pistol), and it convinced me that I didn't need to be too fussy about my exact position. There are other issues (aging eyesight & trigger control) that are far more critical.

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:31 am
by David Levene
I would suggest that doing anything outside of you usual technique is very bad news.

Set yourself goals such as:-

My trigger release will maintain my sight picture in at least 80% of shots. When you achieve that for 3 sessions in a row, increase the percentage.

I will call at least 80% of my shots within half a scoring ring distance and 45 degrees. When you achieve that for 3 sessions in a row, increase the percentage.

I will fire at least 80% of my shots without thinking "I should have aborted that one". When you achieve that for 3 sessions in a row, increase the percentage.

I hope you get the idea. Set yourself non-score based challenges that require good technique and positive thinking.

The difficulty is that you've got to be brutally honest with yourself.

Re: how to push myself outside comfortzone while training?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:16 pm
by siordian1
Less training , more matches. Shoot as many matches as you can and try to go to new ranges. the new people and new ranges will add pressure and teach you to shoot better.