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Youth Coaching Conference

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:47 pm
by CMP
SIGN UP NOW FOR NATIONAL YOUTH SHOOTING SPORTS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. The CMP invites everyone interested in pro­moting junior shooting to attend the 2004 National Youth Shooting Sports Leadership Conference at Camp Perry, Ohio. The con­ference takes place every two years at Camp Perry, the home of the National Matches; this year’s conference is on 8-10 October. The conference program and on-line registration forms are on the CMP web site. Just click on “2004 National Youth Leadership Conference and Training Week” in the center of the CMP home page.


You can read the conference program at You can register on-line for the confer­ence or any of the training courses during the week preceding the confer­ence at ... atchID=353.

The conference is organized in cooperation with the NRA Education & Training Division and the USA Shooting Youth Development Office. NRA, USA Shooting and CMP staff members will be on hand to discuss their programs. Representatives of other shooting sports organizations like the NSSF will also be available to report on exciting new programs. The Youth Leadership Conference is for anyone who is involved in promoting youth shooting sports. Consider attending the conference at Camp Perry on 8-10 October if you are active in any of these areas:

One of the great things about this conference is the opportunity it affords to meet and learn from other junior shooting leaders. In addition to the many representatives of national shooting sports organizations, most CMP State Junior Directors will be in attendance.

The 2004 conference program includes:

· Special reports on the shooting events of the XXVIII Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Athens

· A workshop on gun safety

· How-to presentations on shooting techniques by U. S. Olympic and Army coaches

· A how-to on organizing competitions

· Special presentations on the care, cleaning and accurizing junior target rifles

· Junior program updates from participating organizations

The conference begins on Friday afternoon, 8 October, with range shooting that includes an opportunity to try the CMP Rimfire Sporter game and the NSSF’s new Scholas­tic Rifle event. That will be followed by a fun-filled John C. Garand Match for all con­ference participants; the CMP will provide rifles and ammunition.

The Youth Leadership Conference registration fee of $150 provides three nights of housing at Camp Perry, all meals from Friday noon through Sun­day evening, entry fees and ammunition for the Garand Match and all con­ference materials. Special events include a Saturday night clambake and a Sunday evening reception at the home of the DCM, Gary Anderson, with a chance to see his collection of target shooting archives and Olympic Games memorabilia.

This conference is the best opportunity junior shooting leaders at all levels will have to bring themselves up to date on the resources, contacts and technical information they need to be more effective junior shooting leaders. If you or a representative of your organization has not yet made plans to attend the National Youth Shooting Sports Leadership Conference, put 8-10 October on your calendar now. Then go to to review the conference program and reg­ister on-line at ... atchID=353.

COACH TRAINING COURSES AT CAMP PERRY. On 5-6 October at Camp Perry, Ohio, during the week preceding the National Youth Shooting Sports Leadership Conference, a full series of basic and advanced coach training courses will be offered. The CMP strongly encourages all of its af­filiates with junior shooting programs to have at least one instructor or junior coach complete a basic coach training course. Basic course in rifle, pistol, shotgun and highpower rifle will be taught during that week. Advanced Ri­fle and Advanced Pistol Coaching Courses also will be taught on those two days for certified coaches who have completed the basic courses. These courses offer junior shooting clubs and school teams in the Midwest and Northeast U. S. areas a unique opportunity to complete an outstanding training course. Register on-line at ... atchID=353.

ASEP AMERICAN SPORT SCIENCE COACHING COURSE. To attain certification as a shooting coach also requires the completion of an ASEP sport science coaching course. Individuals who need to complete their ASEP course are invited to attend the ASEP course that will be taught at Camp Perry on 7 October. Register on-line at ... atchID=353.

USA SHOOTING LEVEL II COMPETITION OFFICIALS COURSE. The special training week that precedes the National Youth Leadership Confer­ence also offers a special course on competition officiating. The USA Shooting Level II Competition Officials Course will be taught on 7-8 Octo­ber. Instruction will be offered in both rifle and pistol match officiating. In­struction covers basic concepts of match operations including use of the rulebook, match planning, working as a range officer and scoring and re­sults operations. The emphasis is on conducting USA Shooting rifle or pis­tol events, but anyone involved in conducting air gun, smallbore rifle or po­sition air rifle competitions will benefit from the instruction. Register on-line at ... atchID=353.

FOR MORE INFORMATION. Anyone who wants more information about any of the training courses or the National Youth Leadership Conference should contact Sheri Judd at 419-635-2141, ext. 1108,