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Resistance band exercises or dumbells

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:15 pm
by amarinder
Which one is more suitable for shooters and which exercises?

Re: Resistance band exercises or dumbells

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:20 am
by ForceAwakens
Most senior shooters I know recommend theraband/resistance bands over traditional weights though none could tell me why.
Tom Brady in his TB12 method recommends resistance bands over weights - his argument is resistance bands make the muscles long and flexible (pliability) while allowing a big fluid range motion. He argues that the way most people use weights/dumbells make the muscles short, dense and prone to injury. I haven't read the book yet, will post again once done
I use weights, but its just the inertia of moving/adding theraband. Would love to hear opinion from others

Some links below, i swear I watched these only for becoming a better shooter :-)