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U of T to shut down shooting range

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:30 pm
by cxiaoga ... l/Ontario/ ... 324ad2&k=0

Shame on University of Toronto. Sad to see even 2008
Olympic quota by Avianna Chao couldn't save
Canadian shooters.

Range Closing

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:46 pm
by Ernie Rodriguez
Close the range-make things safer.Where have I heard that one before.Mandatory safety classes for gun owners,license rifles and pistols,restrictive laws for purchasing powder/primers,mandatory jail sentences for crime committed with a firearm and finally,if you let them,ban firearms completely.I thought only in America was the belief that we could legislate morality,responsibility and accountability. I know,we Americans,DO NOT learn from history-I guess other peoples don't either.With all of the new restrictions,since 7/11-anyone around here feel any safer???

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:32 pm
by Hemmers
Dear god. Four HUNDRED members!? and they want to shut it down! Shows it's a bunch of bigoted know-nothings at the top collapsing to pressure from media and hype.
We have forty members and we won't lose our range without a fight (that said, we're the most successful uni rifle club in the UK at the mo and earn lots of BUSA points for the uni, but still). The university would get major black marks if they killed the club with an Olympic quota place winner - even a club an un-PC as the Rifle Club. Just wouldn't happen.

I think they see us an embuggerence, and would like to see the back of us, not least because the range needs replacing (and we'll have to keep on our toes to make sure they don't demolish it, and then never have the new one materialise - happened to another uni club a few years back), but they tolerate us because they know we're good, and they know we're safe.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:15 am
by Guest32
Sounds like Little "knee-jerk" Johnnie Howard of Australia.

"Let's ban guns so we don't go down the American path of the "gun culture"".

What does that even mean?

Why make decisions based on facts and common sense, when you can have a nice 10 second news byte that can get you a couple of swing votes.

What do they say, money talks and bulls### walks? I certainly won't be letting my kids enroll at the University of Toronto. A letter stating why that won't happen, addressed to the President/Board of Directors, whilst insignificant on it's own, is probably the only way for them to see sense. I urge all those with youngsters to do the same if they have time. An international student at the UofT seems to be spending around US$20,000 per year on tuition alone. ... sident.htm