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Re: UK ban on .50 cal and Manually Actuated Release System?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:22 pm
by william
Sport shooters in Great Britain will be inconvenienced. Another kind of shooters in America walk into churches and schools to commit mass murder. Without kissing 2nd Amendment the talisman, honestly, which is better?

Re: UK ban on .50 cal and Manually Actuated Release System?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:32 pm
by TenMetrePeter
atomicbrh wrote:What is being done in Britain to gain firearm rights back and prevent the passage of new nonsense laws?
Brits, do you have a group that fundraises, lobbies your parliament, and uses actual statistics in favor of gun rights?
If not, why don't you organize such a group?
I think guys like Tim S who frequently contribute here are capable of eloquent public speaking and organizing.
Yes we have NSRA, our NRA, BASC, BASA among others who contribute a lot of evidence and lobby parliament. But then we have the Mothers Who Hate Bangs type lefty lobby groups who get the ear of failed but once powerful politicians like Salmond who pass laws on sentiment then get dethroned.

Re: UK ban on .50 cal and Manually Actuated Release System?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:43 pm
by jhmartin
Once ANY right is given over to the government, any government, it is extrememly unlikely that you will EVER get it back.

As thinking becomes unemotional over an issue, there is a chance ... drinking, smoking, etc.

But with any right associated with the ability to defend yourself, unlikely. The government really believes that they can protect you from the sideways people. They cannot. Sometimes even an "armed citizen" cannot. But (I believe) that the more armed citizens that you have, the more likely they can stop some of these unfortunates.

Here is the US, many of these should not be out & about, but we feed them mind altering drugs and call them safe.
The more drugs we feed these unfortunates, the more tragic events we will have.

I have chronic back pain. They wanted to put me on these drugs to make me not think about it as much. Forget that, I do lots of PT to keep it in check instead ... Again, IMO these pills are not the answer, many times they are the bigger problem.

OK, OK ..... </rant OFF>